Buy Prisjakt's statistics feed - get two months for free!
With Prisjakt's statistics feed, you get an overview of how your shop relates to competitors and the market. For example, you can see your competitors' prices and where you end up in the results list.
If you buy Prisjakt's statistics feed during April or May, you get two months for free if you buy 12 months!
To gain access to Prisjakt's statistics feed, you must be a featured shop with us. Do you want to profile your shop? Chat with us!
Increase visibility with the help of reviews
One way to increase your visibility on Prisjakt and get more users to discover your offer is to collect reviews. We recommend our users certain offers based on good reviews, price and availability. If you have good and many reviews, the chance of becoming a recommended offer increases.
Check out Business Center!
You did not miss our Business Center, did you? A platform created for you, where you will find important information about things regarding Prisjakt.
Prisjakt is launching books as a new category
Now it is also possible to find books on Prisjakt. Our users can easily find their favorite books with us in a fast and easy way.
Does your shop sell books? Do not miss the opportunity to be seen in the right context and drive the right traffic. Do you want to know more? Chat with us!
Improve your chances in the competition Shop of the year 2022
As we mentioned previously, the competition Shop of the year 2022 is in full swing, so it's really important that you asked your customers for reviews. Satisfied customers are your shop's best advertising so don't miss out on any reviews.