With Promotions, you can highlight your offers on PriceSpy. Your promotion is highly visible on each product page.
You select the information that should be visible together with the offers that are included in the promotion.
Note - Promotions is an extra add-on you need to buy, contact us for more info
Step-by-step guide
You can set up a promotion either by
Scenario 1: Business Center Promotion UI + your product feed
Scenario 2: Promotion feed + your product feed.
Scenario 3: Only Business Center
Special Scenario: You can also provide an exclusive PriceSpy voucher code/coupon code together with a promotion. This works with either Scenario 1 or 3.
The different options are explained below.
Scenario 1: Add a promotion using your product feed + Business Center UI:
Add the promotion to Business Center
With the Promotions tool in the Business Center you set up all information connected to the campaign - promotion_id, title, description, image, start/end date, and URL to your campaign page. You can also add keywords to make it easier to search for promotions.
You can do this in advance, you don't have to set it up on the day.
Recommended image size is 800x800px, max 150kB. This is to avoid long loading times.
Publish the campaign, it will start on the selected start date (There is a 6-month duration limit for a promotion)
In your normal product feed, add the same promotion_id to all the offers you want to include in the promotion.
It's possible to connect an offer to several promotions (max 10), either comma-separated (CSV) or enter several fields (XML), see our feed specification for details on how to enter this.
Note - Check that you have the same promotion_id set in the Business Center as in your regular product feed, for the offers you want to include.
Scenario 2: Add a promotion using your product feed + a promotion feed
Set up a separate promotion feed, containing 1 or several promotions. Info on structure and format can be found here - Promotion feed schema
Note - Check that you have the same promotion_id set in the product feed as in your promotion feed, for the offers you want to include.
Add the promotion feed in Business Center - Feeds
Now you can see the promotions in the Promotions section of Business Center, under Upcoming, Ongoing, and Finished.
Scenario 3: Add a promotion entirely through Business Center
A simple way to add a promotion without the need to edit in your existing product feed. You upload a simple txt or CSV file with your product IDs (same ones that are used for the ID field in your product feed) to control what products are included in your promotion.
In this scenario, you don't need to connect the Promotion ID with your product feed, though it's still required to add a Promotion ID in Business Center.
Add the promotion to Business Center
With the Promotions tool in the Business Center you set up all information connected to the campaign - promotion_id, title, description, image, start/end date, and URL to your campaign page. You can also add keywords to make it easier to search for promotions.
You can do this in advance, you don't have to set it up on the day.
The recommended image size is 800x800px, max 150kB. This is to avoid long loading times.
At the bottom of the page, you click expand by the text "Normally you connect offers to the promotion via your product feed. If you want to connect offers manually you can expand this section and upload a file with offer IDs."
Upload a file(.txt, .csv, .tsv) containing IDs, either you add the IDs manually and save as a file or you export them from your system. The content of the file should look like this:
546a77Where the characters should represent your product IDs, the IDs should match the ones sent in the normal product feed (offer ID field)
Publish the campaign, done!
Special scenario - Promotion containing an exclusive PriceSpy voucher code
There is an option to add a voucher/coupon code for a promotion, if it is exclusive for PriceSpys users and visitors. You need to setup a working coupon code for your site, e.g. PRICESPY123, PRICESPY_NEW etc.
A good way to keep track of purchases for a promotion.
Activate voucher code automatically on your site
If you support fetching the voucher code through the URL, in Business Center you can set up how we should append the voucher code to your offer URLs. This way visitors and users clicking out from Prisjakt, will get the voucher code activated on your site when they land there.
How to
Follow the steps described in Scenario 1 a above, to setup details about your promotion. Add the exclusive voucher code in the Promotion title and description for best traction. When you get to the choice "PriceSpy exclusive promotion code" follow the steps below:
Toggle "This promotion is exclusive for Prisjakt's users"
Add the voucher code, must start with "PRICESPY"
If you have support for fetching the voucher code through the URL, add what parameter we should add before the voucher code. E.g "coupon" or "voucher_code". We will then show a preview of how the offer URL would look like with the settings given, e.g https://myshop.se/product1?coupon=PRICESPY123
Choose type of campaign, Free shipping, 3 for 2 etc
Remember to also mention the voucher code in the Promotion title or description for best traction.
The offers you included in the promotion will show with the promotion information on PriceSpy.
Swedish version, but you can get a feeling of the concept
Guidelines to consider
A promotion must contain selected products or refer to a discounted price in any way, some examples of what is OK/Not OK follow below:
10%, 20% etc
Gift included
3 for 2, 4 for 3 etc.
Not OK:
Buy now, pay later
Follow up
To follow up on an upcoming or ongoing promotion, click on the View button to get a list of the included products. The button is located to the right on the promotion table page. The list contains a link to PriceSpy product page and a link to Click and cost - Product, to see clicks per day for the selected product