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Featured Brand in Business Center
Featured Brand in Business Center

Market Data Insights and Authorised Dealers, for brand customers to Prisjakt

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

In our Business Center, you can find different tools that provide market share insights for you as a Brand.

You also get the tool to manage Authorised Dealers, giving your selected shops a badge of approval in our product listings.

To get access to our Featured Brand package, please contact our sales department for more information.

Screenshot showing one of the tools in Prisjakt Business Center - Categories - Click Share

Screenshot showing one of the tools - Categories - Click Share

Categories - Click Share

Shows the top categories based on total clicks to your brand, for the selected time period. You can unselect categories shown in the line chart, by clicking the category name under the chart

You will also find a pie chart with a corresponding table showing YoY (year on year) comparison, with aggregated share of category clicks to your brand, for the selected time period.

Categories - Vs Competitors

Shows a table with your top categories based on all Prisjakt clicks and your market share vs. other brands, for the selected time period with YoY (year on year) comparison.

Shops - Click Share

Shows share of clicks by shop, in categories where you have at least one product. The time period can be selected, and you can unselect shops shown in the line chart, by clicking the names under the chart

You will also find a pie chart with a corresponding table showing YoY (year on year) comparison, with aggregated share of clicks by shop in categories, for the selected time period.

Brands - Click Share

Shows brand share of all product clicks in all categories or selected category (with minimum one product), for the selected time period.

You will also find a pie chart with aggregated brand share of all product clicks in your categories, for the selected time period.

Inventory Analysis

  • A tool where you can explore the categories where you have products, and see data on:

    • Popularity

    • Number of shops

    • Shop with the lowest price

    • Lowest price

You can filter on My products and or Lowest price in stock.

Market Analysis

  • A tool where you can select all or a specific category, to then view your market share for a selected date range, and compare it to a specific period.

  • Data shown range back to three years, both the selected period and the comparison period must be within the limit of three years.

  • You can filter on By Shops or By Brands.

Authorised Dealers

Authorised Dealer means that you recommend the shop as a reseller for your products. The shop will get a special badge in our product listings, read more about this feature here - Authorised Dealers

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