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Authorised dealers on PriceSpy
Authorised dealers on PriceSpy

Authorised dealers, a function for brands within the Featured Brand product.

Written by Prisjakt B2B
Updated over a week ago

The Authorised Dealer function allows your brand to highlight the dealers you recommend. Your selected dealers will be displayed together with a special badge in our product listing.

The service Featured Brand is needed to unlock the function Authorised dealers. For more info and price info, please contact us at [email protected]

Visit our Business Center to add, edit and remove dealers. Log in with your PriceSpy account and click Authorised Dealer in the menu on the left.

Add your authorised dealers:

Step 1. Click Add dealer

Step 2. Select the dealer you want to recommend

Step 3. Select whether your dealer recommendation applies to all shop categories (where your products are found) or only to specific top or sub categories.

Example division:

  • Shop A: Authorised dealer for all your products.

  • Shop B: Authorised dealer for your products under the PriceSpy top categories "Camera & Photo" + "Computers & Accessories".

  • Shop C: Authorised dealer for your products under the PriceSpy sub categories "Headphones" and "Mobile speakers".

Step 4. Save - Done!

Keep in mind – It can take up to 24 hours before any changes you make here appear on the PriceSpy website.

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