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How to set an alert

Written by Prisjakt B2B
Updated over a week ago

When you are planning on buying a product it's a perfect opportunity to take advantage of our Alert function. When the price on your selected product has been reduced you will get a notification

This is how you do it:
First you find the product you want to set an alert on, please note that the product needs to be indexed - these means that the product has a product page

When you are on the product page, you click the "Price Alert" button, the button with a bell on, as seen below.

Here you can set and modify:

  • To only receive notification from shops with higher than for instance 4 stars (On a 1-5 scale)

  • To only receive a notification when the product reaches a certain price

  • To only receive a notification when the chosen price has been reached and then when it lowers with for example £10 or any amount of your choosing.

  • To only receive a notification when the product is in stock.

When you are happy with your settings you can just click Set Price Alert!

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